How Do I Become A Christian?
“Salute one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.” Romans 16:16 (KJV)
When you visit a church of Christ, you will find Christians that are abiding in the doctrine of Christ. You will also experience a loving,spiritual atmosphere that is designed to draw the worshipers closer to God. Our worship service to our Lord consists of those elements which the New Testament reveals as part of the first century church and its worship to God. We sing, pray, partake of the Lord’s Supper, have the word of God preached, and give a monetary offering to the Lord, every “first day of the week.”“God is spirit, and they that worship him MUST worship Him in Spirit and Truth.” (John 4:24)
The division of the religious world today is far from the unity enjoyed by the early Christians. Tradition and distinctive names have divided the church. Believing such division to be contrary to the will of God, we have no denominational affiliation, name, doctrine or creed.We simply follow the teachings of Christ and His apostles. Individually we are Christians. Collectively we are the church of Christ (Rom.16:16). Since the scriptures are sufficient for our every need, (2Tim.3:16-17), our preaching and teaching contains only that which is authorized by the Bible. The Bible teaches that for a person to be saved from eternal separation from God, they must believe in the good news of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, and after believing, they must be baptized (immersed in water). Jesus stated this condition in Mark 16:16. Verses Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16 state that baptism is “for” and when we receive the forgiveness of our sins. The following verses also emphasis the importance the Bible places on baptism being a necessary part of the salvation process: (Romans 6:1-5, Galatians 3:27, 1Peter 3:21). We encourage you to study these verses for yourself, despite what you may have thought before reading this.
We understand that love and friendliness is a natural attitude among people who truly love God. Our visitors always receive a warm welcome. We hope you will accept our invitation to meet with us soon. You will be benefited by abiding in truth with us at the South Road church of Christ.